READY NOW Pups born on 12th April. We have 3 pups still available; 1 l/w girl and 1 b/w girl.
We own both mum and dad who work from August to February, 3+ days per week. Both dogs are biddable, loyal and versitle, being able to switch between beating, picking up and sitting on peg, with an off switch in the house.
Pups have plenty of FTW's and FTCH's on both side while maintaining a lower than average COI.
This is Rowans 2nd and last litter. She has had a lovely litter of 8 pups; 2 l/w girls, 2 b/w girls, 1 l/w boy and 3 b/w boys.
Pictures are from the previous litter. More pictures are available on request.
Pup are docked and dew clawed with certificates.
For more information or to add your name to the waiting list please get in touch.
Here are some tips to keep you safe whilst buying, selling or studding your dog.