Rules for GunDogsDirect™
1. Adverts that are left unedited for 90 days or longer by the advertiser will be deleted from GunDogsDirect. Please keep your adverts up to date by logingin to your accounts and editing the adverts. We do this to ensure that the information we are displaying to our customers is the most current information present and this avoids blocking up the website with old and unwanted adverts that sellers have forgotten to action.
2. You can not advertise multiple dogs in the PART-TRAINED, TRAINED or STUD section. Breeders that breech this term will have their advert removed and will waver any rights to a refund for the advert. One dog one advert. You can not advertise any other service or dog on a Puppies advert other than the litter in question. This also includes placing an advert as a wanted advert.
3. Advert MUST have provide an email address and a contact telephone number.
4. Its very important that you the breeder advertising your gun dogs are transparent and accurate with your description of your own gun dogs
5. Titles to adverts CANNOT be edited once they have gone live.
6. You must not place adverts for other people. The advert must be your responsibility, if it’s found that you do not own the dogs in question the advert will be removed and you will not be entitled to any refund.
7. Adverts marked “SOLD” by you the breeders/sellers MAY NOT be reactivated. If you have done this in error there is no way for GunDogsDirect to retrieve your advert and no refunds will be offered. If you press the "Mark advert Sold" button in error you will be asked if you are sure you want to carry out this function. If you have done it in error it's at this stage you can press "Cancel". By confirming "Yes" you are agreing to the advert to be deleted from the system.
8. If you are advertising a dog less than 6 month old that you DID NOT breed yourself you are BREAKING THE LAW and the advert will be removed without notice and the Police will be notified, no refund will be offered on said adverts. More info can be found on the gov website here
9. Stud advert last 12 months on GunDogsDirect, it's your responsibility to place a new advert before the allotted time runs out on your old advert.
10. If contact details are missing from an advert like email address or phone number the advert maybe removed by GunDogsDirect. It’s your responsibility to ensure that your contact details are present and correct on the site at all times. If your advert is removed due to this no refund will be offered.
11. We will not carry out any requests on adverts to email addresses that does not match the email address on the advert.
12. Gun dog breeders found breeding gun dogs outside the government guidelines and do not have a breeding licence will have their adverts removed without noticed and be reported to the authorities, no refund for the advert will be offered
If you the "breeder" are selling gun dogs on the website are not following the government guide lines on breeding licences your advert maybe removed. You the breeder a reasonable to ensure you have carried out your own due diligance in regards to selling working aniamals on this website and if you are unsure what they are we have provided the document here:
13. We do not offer any refunds to customers that breech any of the conditions of the website. Failure to not read the rules is not a mitigating factor.
14. Customers that sell multiple gun dogs on the website over a 12 month period and show evidance that they are operating as a bussiness must have Gold adverts where they can show their breeding licence number and their business information. Failure to do so will result in their adverts removed and they will wavier any rights to refunds on past and current adverts.
15. You can not advertise Cross bred dogs in pure breed sections.